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In this LES, students will learn vocabulary related to toys by listening to videos and sorting out different toys. They will learn to express their preferences and make choices. Differentiated versions of every task are included. 

In this LES, students will learn vocabulary related to fruit and food as well as numbers one to five. The students will also learn to identify their preferences. Differentiated versions of every task are included. 

In this LES, students will learn vocabulary related to games as well as numbers one to six. The students will also learn to give instructions. Differentiated versions of every task are included. 

In this LES, students will learn vocabulary related to farm animals by identifying different animals and matching them with their sounds. Differentiated versions of every task are included. 

In this LES, students will learn vocabulary related to the eight body parts from the song. They will also match each one of the targeted body parts with the appropriate image. Differentiated versions of every task are included. 

In this LES, students will learn vocabulary related to colours. They will name colours and categorize objects according to their colour. Differentiated versions of every task are included. 

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